Monday, March 29, 2010
Issues Raised By The Health Care Fight
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
For Those Of You Who Are Really Hardcore...
Monday, March 22, 2010
Calling All Principled Conservatives
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Watching the Health Care Vote
Saturday, March 20, 2010
The Odds on Health Care Reform
Thursday, March 18, 2010
One Battle In The War
BREAKING: AHIP, the health insurance industry trade group, announces that it opposes the final health care bill! Shocked? I guess the announcement was just in case you thought that insurance companies had magically transformed into insurance charities. Nope. Still bloodsuckers.
Seriously, it makes sense that the industry the American people are trying to regulate opposes the regulation. Of course they'd rather keep their prerogatives than not.
But here's something that ought to get more attention:
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the nation's largest business association, has been pouring gobs of money into anti-health care ads. This isn’t just a health insurance industry front group. The Chamber is the political arm of Big Business itself. So why is the broader Big Business community dead set against a bill that would extend health insurance to 32 million people, strengthen Medicare, and reduce the deficit?
Maybe they realize that if the American people can successfully wield government power to serve the people’s interests in the face of corporate opposition on health care, then we can do the same in other areas too. String a number of these victories (or losses, from the Chamber’s point of view) together, and the balance of the country begins to shift. It starts to become a nation where the basic security and well being of everyone comes before the privilege and perks of the lucky or successful or conniving few. Think of it as a great realignment of values. Everybody gets a helping before anyone gets seconds, thirds, and dessert. People before profit. Granted, they would be values that we, as a nation, probably already claim to have. The difference would be that we finally act on them. Because from Corporate Power's point of view, we can claim whatever we like as long as we never act on it. With their last-ditch effort to derail health care reform, they hope we never do.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Words Bret Baier Did Not Utter: Insurance, Company, Premiums, Uninsured, etc.
- There was not a single question about insurance companies. Check the transcript. Bret Baier did not say the word "company" during the entire interview. Shoot, he didn't even say the word "insurance." (How is that even possible?)
- There was not a single question about about the uninsured. The word "uninsured" was never uttered.
- There was not a single question about premiums.
- There was not a single question about deductibles.
- There was not a single question about co-pays.
- There was not a single question about doctors.
- There was not a single question about hospitals.
- There was not a single question about prescription drugs.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Taking It To The Streets To Finish Health Reform

Saturday, March 13, 2010
This Week In Things I Don't Care About
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Inching Closer to Health Insurance Reform
Monday, March 8, 2010
Approaching The Finale
Friday, March 5, 2010
Public Option Solution? House Passes TWO Reconciliation Bills
- The first fix (which is the one they're drafting now) does not include a public option.
- The second fix does include a public option.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
How We Enable Jim Bunning